For the record - I do NOT need lessons from the Dog Whisperer. I just need a certain dog (ahem) to understand who is the boss around here. AND we both got a big fat juicy bone from Santa so he must think we're both good dogs.
(No one has to know I stole your bone - right?)
Your friend,
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Who's the boss around here?
Posted by Fluffy at 4:14 PM 0 comments
Every Man Needs A Good Hot Towel Shave
Well, well, well... Look who decided to show his face - The elusive TomTom. He sent me a note complaining my blog is loaded with females - then wanted to know if any were single! That dog's got spunk I'd say.
I told him he would be better off if he could refine his look with some classy duds from Signatures the Collection, and then top that off with a hot towel shave from The Men's Room Barber Crew in Concord.
You know what he had to say to that?
"Yes, I agree Fluffy, but seriously, are any of the beauties here single?"
Posted by Fluffy at 3:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: Healthy and Beauty
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Pink Fluffy Tutus in Lake Norman
Look at me Fluffy... Do I look like a cat that deserves to be overlooked on your Christmas list? Bluey isn't the only wise cat in town. I've got mice here trained to raid Christmas stockings on a moments notice. Capiche?
Really Fluffy... To show the softer side of me, please put in a request to Santa that I really, really want a "fluffy" pink tutu from Busy Bodies in Lake Norman.
Thanks pal!
Love, Lucy
Posted by Fluffy at 4:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: Style and Fashion
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Be fashionable during the holidays
Kitty Little believes one of the best things about the holidays is getting dressed up for all the parties and special events.
While you may never find this one of a kind red ribbon that Kitty is modeling, you can surely find lots of festive clothing boutiques on ShoppeCharlotte.com including style conscience apparel from Glitz N Glamour and timeless fashions from Anne's Fashion Lovers Boutique.
Posted by Fluffy at 1:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: Style and Fashion
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
My Christmas List
Dear Santa,
I really am a happy and grateful dog... The only things on my Christmas list this year are...
1) A big ol' stick to chew on for a few days
2) My own food bowl that would scare the paws off Sparky so she'd never go near it
My friends would all like presents too, but some of them don't know how to write that well, so this is my list for them
Chloe - since she has such a big nose she would really appreciate the scents wafting from the gourmet treats at Wags of Baxter Pet Bakery & Boutique
Flames The Fish - a new water hi-def lighting system from Frank n Pegs (to keep the party going and all that)
Tazi - An 8' x 10' vinyl playhouse from ShedTime to store all her Christmas decorations in style...
Sparky - Well she could use a lesson or 2 from the Dog Whisperer...
My paws are getting sore from typing, so I'll finish my list later...
I might add to my personal Christmas list though...
3. No more Santa hats!
Posted by Fluffy at 10:55 AM 0 comments
Steve's Bloody Mary Bar at Hotel Charlotte
Dear Flames the Fish,
Now that I've been adopted I don't get much after hours action.... Usually at night I am at home in bed relaxing after a long day of...
barking at nothing.
Life is good!
But I hear McHale's Irish Pub sounds like a lot of fun too with pool, TVs, and darts. Perhaps after a night on the town you should visit Steve's Bloody Mary Bar at Hotel Charlotte
every Sunday from 12-3.
There is lots to do in Charlotte, so if you have anymore questions just ask me!
With Tails Wagging,
Posted by Fluffy at 10:26 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Christmas decorations can be found at the Southern Peddler
Meet Tazi - she looks so innocent but in the middle of the night she finds her favorite decorations and hoards them for herself. You should see her doghouse - it's all the buzz in the canine community. These collectible items that Tazi so adores, including Primitives, Amish Reproductions, Hand Crafted Dolls, Quilts and more, are limited so you ought to visit the Southern Peddler before Tazi takes it all for herself.Any self respecting dog knows that one of a kind Christmas decorations can be found at the Southern Peddler in Hickory...
Posted by Fluffy at 3:34 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
Nightlife In Charlotte
Dear Fluffy,
I'm feeling kind of isolated... Like everywhere I swim I just run into walls. I need to get out and get a social life so I don't feel so tanked in...
What do you think about Dilworth Neighborhood Grille for after-hours entertainment? I also had my eye on Lake Wyle Junction Grille & Pub - They were voted Best of 2008 at Taste of Charlotte...
What do you think Fluffy?
Flames the Fish
Posted by Fluffy at 10:37 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
So many fun things to do in Charlotte
Posted by Fluffy at 12:15 PM 0 comments
Labels: Things To Do in Charlotte
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Somethin' smells fabulous
Dear Fluffy,
I was thinking that somethin' smells pretty darn fabulous so I sniffed around and realized it was Patrick Dempsey Unscripted Fragrance for Men. Now I know you really like that boy 2 fences down, so maybe you could buy it for him for Christmas? You can find it at Avon with Lori in Gastonia, or Avon Scents & Glamour in Mooresville.
Well, just a suggestion...
Love, Chloe
Posted by Fluffy at 7:55 AM 0 comments